Restaurant Management Software

Best Restaurant Management POS Software in Bangladesh. Call: 01722352779

Best Restaurant POS Software in Bangladesh

Effective Restaurant Management Software maintains a balance between diverse groups and processes for smooth operation. Food costs, inventory tracking, employee booking, food production, customer service and marketing are part of restaurant management. Echosoft, one of the best software development company in Bangladesh are providing high-quality Restaurant Management Software solutions are very useful for Restaurant business owners.

Features of Restaurant Management Software

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Dynamic Dashboard

  • Total Purchase
  • Total Sales
  • Purchase Due
  • Invoice Due
  • Sales Last 30 Days Chart
  • Sales Current Financial Year
  • Sales Current Financial Year
  • Purchase Payment Due
  • Product Stock Alert
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Recipe Management

  • List Products/ Recipe
  • Add Recipe
  • Print Labels
  • Variations
  • Import Recipe
  • Import Opening Stock
  • Selling Price Group
  • Recipe Units
  • Recipe Categories
  • Brands
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Restaurant POS

  • All Sales Module
  • Add New Sale
  • List of POS
  • POS Module
  • List Drafts
  • List quotations
  • List Sell Return
  • Discounts Setup
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Purchase Management

  • List Purchases
  • Add New Purchase
  • List Purchase Return
  • Quick Purchase Module
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Contacts Module

  • Add Suppliers
  • Suppliers List
  • Add Customers
  • Customers List
  • Customer Groups
  • Import Contacts
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Order Management

  • Add new order
  • Barcode scanner / search product by barcode number
  • You can select customer for new order procedure
  • If the customer has discount it will apply
  • Auto Tax/Vat calculation
  • Order and invoice number generate
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Expenses Module

  • List Expenses
  • Add Expenses
  • Expense Categories
  • Upload Expence Invoice
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Special Modules

  • Stock Adjustment
  • Stock Transfers
  • Payment Getway
  • Bookings Management
  • Kitchen Management
  • Live Orders Management
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Setup Module

  • Add Users
  • Add Manager
  • Add Cashier
  • Add Counter
  • Tax Setup
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Report Management

  • Profit / Loss Report
  • Purchase & Sale
  • Tax Report
  • Supplier & Customer Report
  • Customer Groups Report
  • Stock Report
  • Stock Adjustment Report
  • Items Report
  • Product Purchase Report
  • Restuarant Sell Report
  • Purchase Payment Report
  • Purchase Payment Report
  • Register Report
  • Table Report
  • Service Staff Report
  • Balance Sheet
  • Trial Balance

Restaurant Management Software Pricing

Get the best Restaurant Management Software in Bangladesh

Free Software Domain
Single Restaurant - 1 User
Monthly Service Charge: 1000 Tk.
Modules: Recipe Management, Restaurant POS, Purchase Management, Contacts Module, Report Management
Order Now
Free Software Domain
Single Restaurant - 3 User
Monthly Service Charge: 1500 Tk.
Modules: Recipe Management, Restaurant POS, Purchase Management, Contacts Module, Expenses Module, Special Modules & Report Management
Order Now
Free Software Domain
Multiple Restaurant - Multi-User
Monthly Service Charge: 2500 Tk.
Modules: Recipe Management, Restaurant POS, Purchase Management, Contacts Module, Expenses Module, Special Modules & Multi-Restaurant Reports
Order Now

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